Monday, 2 January 2012


Happy New Year to you all, - the real meaning of the 'end of the world' in 2012, is exactly that, the end of the old corrupt nepotistic system, and in with the new transparancey of governments with the abolition of members of scret societies, from also being able to serve as members of our governments and their related bodies: The internet has changed our planet and lives forever, it has uniquely enabled us to fast forwarded to this place in time, that considering for how long man has been on this planet, we should have already reached this point in time, a long, long time ago. With our present day technology and the internet, - and it now goes without saying with the help of such organisations like Wikileaks, it is allowing us to shine the light on the prospects of real worldwide freedom,... - whilst at the very same time exposing who our suppressors really are, and to what such lengths they go to cover-up and hide their evil and wicked deeds and ways, - and whom many have normally enjoyed decades of anonymity, whilst at the same time being protected by our Masonic owned and controlled media, whose job we have falsely been led to believe was supposedly doing the exact opposite, - which is of course exposing them. - If anything positive is to come out from Wikileaks revelations, then it is precisely this fact, - which is our world’s press and media in general, are as corrupt as those world leaders the Wikileaks documents are proving them to be as. - The world, our world, and us, are experiencing and facing the biggest transformation of human consciousness ever known to man. Our time has come to start rattling our cages and take back what’s rightfully ours! Though before all else can 'truly' be expected to change, one fundamental issue needs to be addressed: 

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing Lenny, how the people of Amerika have been sold down the Swanny. 'unConstititional' - Huh...what the 'right to congregate etc'- not that old chestnut, too much hoodwinking been going on, - men of secret societies forming the 'the laws and rights of man', that suppress him!! How CONvenient Mr Dill, there's nothing unconstitutional in wanting to live in a world were we have truly transparent governments, where every member of those governments do not also belong to the very same nepotistic club! We want to be 'free' men' Lenny, not 'Freemason's', there's a big difference my friend, a very big difference...
